
Parish Council


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced by the new Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) on the 25 May 2018.

The Parish Council has carried out an extensive exercise to establish a position of readiness and compliance with the new regulations.

This has included appropriate roll-out of awareness and training. A suite of dedicated policies and procedures have been prepared which have been formally issued and bought under configuration control. All members of the Parish Council have read and agreed the policies and procedures. A register of Council members agreement to compliance with the documents is held by the Parish Clerk.

A summary of the key Policies and Procedures is shown below together as links to on-line versions:-

  1. Privacy Policy v1.4 – Aug 2018
  2. Privacy Notice – General v1.4 – Aug 2018
  3. Privacy Notice – Councillors & Council Role Holders v1.5 – Aug 2018.docx
  4. Collection of New Data Policy v1.3 – Aug 2018
  5. Data Retention Policy v1.3 – Aug 2018
  6. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Policy Document v1.3 – Aug 2018
  7. Subject Access Requests (SAR) Policy v1.3 – Aug 2018
  8. Data Breach Policy v1.5 – Aug 2018

Please contact us if you have any questions about Data Protection. Our point of Contact is the Parish Clerk :-

Mrs Susan Shaw
2, Queens Cottages, Canterbury Road, Molash, Nr. Canterbury. CT4 8HJ
Tel: 01233 740996

© Lower Hardres & Nackington Parish Council
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